Welcome New Elizabethton Electric Department Customer!
We hope to serve you with reliable, affordable electric service for many years to come. This Fact Sheet contains useful information you need to know as an EED residential customer. Commercial customers should contact our Customer Service office for more information. Any information listed here is subject to change without notice.
Rates and Charges:
There is no tax for residential service.
Deposit is determined by your utility credit rating. An ONLINE Utility Exchange Report will be run on all new applicants for electric service. Should an applicant refuse to allow EED to run the credit check the maximum initial deposit shall be required before service is set up.
a. Applicants who pose a low credit risk (Green Light returned on ONLINE Utility Exchange) will be charged a deposit of $100.00.
b. Applicants who pose minimal risk (Yellow Light returned on ONLINE Utility Exchange) will be charged a deposit of $200.00.
c. Applicants who pose substantial credit risk (Red Light returned on ONLINE Utility Exchange) will be charged a deposit of $300.00.
d. Without a Social Security Number based credit check, a deposit of $325.00 will be required.
e. If customers have not met the maximum deposit and are cutoff due to non-pay, they will be required to post an additional deposit up to the maximum amount.
All deposits greater than one month’s average bill and retained longer than twelve months (after the payment of the deposit in full) shall accrue interest and will be credited to the Customer’s account annually. Interest rates will be comparable to interest of passbook savings accounts. Any deposit balance including the earned interest is subject to review by EED and the customer.
Required amounts range from $100-$325 for initial deposits. Deposits are held by EED until service is terminated at which time it is either applied to your final bill or returned to you. Your deposit may be refunded, as a credit on your electric bill,after two years of consecutive service at your request, if the last twelve invoices have been paid timely (no payments with penalty applied).
Service charges are charged whenever EED must either connect service; disconnect service because of non-payment, or for collection purposes. Disconnect/Reconnect for non-payment are $45. If reconnection is made after 4:00 PM, the trip fee is $60. After 11:00 PM and on weekends and holidays the reconnect charge is $145. These fees are above the unpaid balance amount required for reconnection.
Service Connection Fees are $20. Same-day service requests are charged at $40 (not guaranteed).
Never break the seal on your meter for any reason. Never try to set or remove a meter yourself. If we discover a cut seal, you will be charged for Tampering ($150-tamper fee plus $50-meter test (single phase), $80-meter test (three phase) plus a $20 trip fee). Estimated kWh charges may also apply. Remember: the voltage at the meter can kill or seriously injure you with a single touch!
Checks written to EED that are returned for non-sufficient funds will result in a $25 Returned Check fee. Returned checks cannot be paid for with another check. If we receive two returned checks within a 12-month period, EED will only accept payments by cash, credit card, or money orders. Returned checks written for reconnection of accounts disconnected for non-payment or for deposits are subject to immediate disconnection.
Due Dates:
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Exception: Route 511 is the 11th route in control 05. If you live on route 511, use the 35 in this table to determine your due date.
After the due date, a Late Fee equal to five percent of your current bill is applied. You have ten days from the due date to pay your current month’s bill. If not paid within the ten-day grace period, your electric service is subject to disconnection without further notice other than those warnings printed on your statement bill.
EED Programs:
Levelized Billing: This program lets you pay a calculated amount by taking your average usage over the past year, building credit during low-use months, then using your credits to cover the high-usage periods of mid-summer and mid-winter. You must be a customer for at least 1 year at a single location and have a zero balance to be eligible at the time of sign up.
Auto Draft: Automatically have your light bill drafted from your bank account each month. Just bring us a voided check with your routing and account number to be signed up on this program.
EED also participates in programs developed by TVA. Two of these are the Heat Pump Loan program and the Water Heater Rebate program. Contact the EED Marketing department at 423.547.8630 for more information.
TVA Complaint Resolution Process – In the case of billing disputes or other service issues, the customer is expected to resolve the dispute by notifying and working with Elizabethton Electric. If the dispute is not resolved, Elizabethton Electric will provide the customer with information regarding TVA’s Complaint Resolution Process. Customers will be informed about the availability of the TVA Complaint Resolution Process upon application for service, at any time upon request, and through information provided on the Elizabethton Electrics website or other technological means of communication, if available.
There are three ways to begin the process:
- Online at www.tva.com/complaintresolution
- E-mail complaintresolution@tva.gov
- Call the TVA Regulatory hotline at 1-888-289-8409
Contact Information:
Elizabethton Electric Department, P.O. Box 790, Elizabethton, TN 37644, Ph. 423.542.1100, Fax 423.542.1108, www.eesonline.org. For after hours to REPORT A POWER OUTAGE: 423.542.1111.
EED is owned by the City of Elizabethton and governed by the Elizabethton City Council. City Council meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at City Hall at 6 PM. All meetings are open to the public.