Elizabethton Electric Department and TVA can help you get a new energy efficient heat pump installed in your home. We do not install them ourselves, but we will help you to find the best quality at the right price for you. We work within the Tennessee Valley Authority’s energy right guidelines to ensure quality installations by reputable contractors.
A new Program, TVA energyright is now available and includes more than heat pumps. For more information go to www.energyright.com
What do I do?
- First, homeowners register online or over the phone. Simply visit www.energyright.com or call 1-855-237-2673 to get started.
- Next, homeowner contacts a Quality Contractor Network (QCN) member to get started on the work the homeowner wants done.
- Once your work is completed the homeowner will get a free evaluation of the home and a quality assurance inspection on the work preformed by the QCN member.
That is all there is to it! Heat Pump Loans are available through energyright. Current Heat Pump Loan interest rates can be found on the web site. You can take up to 10 years to pay off the loan, or pay it off early with no penalty.
If you have any questions: Come by our office at the corner of Hatcher Lane and U.S. 19-E, or ask Ken Markland 423-547-8630 or 423-542-1101 about Heat Pump Loans. Feel free to contact us by email kmarkland@cityofelizabethton.org