Contact Us:  (423) 542-1101

Safety & Environmental

TN One Call


Call Before You Dig

811 TN ONE CALL! It‘s the law! In the state of Tennessee, State Law requires anyone about to engage in either digging, excavation, moving of earth, demolition or any type of activity that disturbs the earth and therefore possibly involving a danger to damaging underground utility lines, to notify Tennessee One Call, of their intent to dig.


TN ONE CALL Mission Statement

To provide the best possible communication and notification service to prevent damage to underground utilities.



Tennessee One-Call System, Inc., is a non-profit Tennessee corporation established in 1983, whose mission is to act as an advance notification service to operators of underground facilities anywhere within the state. Tennessee One-Call is governed by a Board of Directors and an Operating Committee. We are the only such service in Tennessee and are recognized as the “official” one-call service for the state of Tennessee.